



Silver Gray Slate also called as Platinum is one of dense quartzite slates. It’s extremely hard and very much suited for outdoor use. It has a very distinctive silver/grey color with very little variation; very occasionally, you can see little veins or clouds of gold/rust on its surface. It has a rather rocky texture that can take the abuse dealt to it by metal snow shovels while still feeling easy on the feet. Silver Gray slate works well with most other colors as it illuminates and reflects the energy of the colors of the surroundings. The pure pristine silver shine of the stone would give the surroundings a lighter hearted and optimistic. Due to its excellent texture & durability it has been used in bathrooms, showers and other delicate applications Silver Gray slate tiles bring in a touch of individuality to your floor / wall and innovative landscaping feature & thus imparting personalized accents to any Home or garden. Honed / polished Silver Gray slate displays excellent patterns & layers of mica and quartz on the surface. This stone can be used in any application. Even though it is honed / polished it does not become slippery when wet making it an excellent choice in the bathroom.



Classification Slate
Offered in Tiles, Slabs, Cut to Size Pavements and Flags
Finishes Offered Both Faces Natural One Face Natural & One Face Calli- berated One Face Calli- berated & One Face Honed
Standard Specifications Only in Higher Thickness
Tailor-Made Specifications Possible
Recommended Applications Interiors & Exteriors
Delivery 2 to 3 weeks
Quarry Deposit Layered
Quarry Excavation Hand Split Layers
Chisel Splitting Possible
Gang Saw Sawing Not Possible
Carved Articles Not Possible
Suitability Medium to Low Traffic
Consistency Multicolour
Fragility Sound


Water absorption, % by weight 0.15 C-97
Density (Bulk specific gravity) 2.65 C-97
Modulus of rupture, N/ mm2 Dry – 11 Wet – 15 C-99
Compressive Strength N/ mm2 Dry – 117 Wet – 100 C-170
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