



Ocean Green Slate also popularly called as Ocean Slate is easily identified by the wonderful aqua marine feel which can leave anyone in a state of gaze & tempt him relentlessly to get the stone installed near him. Ocean Green slate surface do carry some quartz crystals which becomes visible & give the stone uniqueness upon honing. Its color is predominately Greenish Gray but can also veer towards metallic rust, grays and oranges. It is a slate that is best suited for indoor & exterior wall cladding use only. The vibrant colors and unique texture make Ocean Green slate tiles / slabs perfect choice for interior applications. Ocean Green Slate is a family of slate stone that exhibits a 3 Dimensional look upon Honing / polishing. Exclusive to this family after polishing it will create a visual illusion of depth of ocean with waves pattern surrounded mystically with the clouds of gold, gray or bronze. The honed version also tends to be less colorful (less greens, yellows, etc.) but it does tend to have more gold, rust and silver gray clouds. This slate is suitable in any interior application (residential and commercial) but is not suitable for exterior installations except wall claddings.



Classification Slate
Offered in Tiles, Slabs, Cut to size pavements, Flags
Finishes Offered Both Faces Natural One Face Natural & One Face Calli- berated One Face Calli- berated & One Face Honed
Standard Specifications Only in Higher Thickness
Tailor-Made Specifications Possible
Recommended Applications Interiors & Exteriors
Delivery 2 to 3 weeks
Quarry Deposit Layered
Quarry Excavation Hand Split Layers
Chisel Splitting Possible
Gang Saw Sawing Not Possible
Suitability Medium to Low Traffic
Consistency Multicolour
Fragility Sound


Water absorption, % by weight 0.15 C-97
Density (Bulk specific gravity) 2.65 C-97
Modulus of rupture, N/ mm2 Dry – 11 Wet – 15 C-99
Compressive Strength N/ mm2 Dry – 117 Wet – 100 C-170
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