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Indian Autumn Rustic slate is also a slate obtained from the same quarry as Indian Autumn however its color is a little different from the regular Indian Autumn slate. Indian Autumn Rustic slate has a dark gray base with beige & occasional rust markings on it. Indian Autumn Rustic slate feels smooth to the touch but has a visually pleasing texture. Indian Autumn Rustic slate is largely used for interiors & exterior wall claddings. Indian Autumn Rustic Slate used for flooring is as it is quarried from the earth – chemical free and therefore allergy free. Best of all – it won’t burn! Slate has become the building product of choice in fire prone areas because it is non-combustible and free of nasty odors. Slate is a timeless flooring material that is undergoing resurgence in popularity because of the vivid colors & texture it exhibits along with its excellent thermal resistance and durability



Classification Slate
Offered in Tiles, Slabs, Cut to size pavements, Flags
Finishes Offered Both Faces Natural One Face Natural & One Face Calli- berated One Face Calli- berated & One Face Honed
Standard Specifications Only in Higher Thickness
Tailor-Made Specifications Possible
Recommended Applications Interiors & Exteriors
Delivery 2 to 3 weeks
Quarry Deposit Layered
Quarry Excavation Hand Split Layers
Chisel Splitting Possible
Gang Saw Sawing Not Possible
Carved Articles Not Possible
Suitability Medium to Low Traffic
Consistency Multicolour
Fragility Sound
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