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K.K white slate is a silvery white pink, beige, white and gold speckle. It has the snowy background with grey markings of flakes and spots’ being a natural product, color variation from piece to piece is unavoidable. Besides strength quartz crystals give slate stone a rare glow and a natural sheen exclusive to KK White. KK White slate is an extremely hard, multi colored, quartzite slate. Its color range is predominately creams, rusts, and light grays. KK White Slate has a nice “rocky” texture which feels wonderfully invigorating on the feet without being uncomfortable. As such, it’s suited wonderfully in almost any surroundings. The natural sheen of KK White can bring any wall / floor to life with its vibrant colors. The vibrant colors and unique texture of KK White make it appropriate for interior as well as exterior applications.



Classification Slate
Offered in Tiles, Slabs, Cut to Size Pavements and Flags
Finishes Offered Both Faces Natural One Face Natural & One Face Calli- berated One Face Calli- berated & One Face Honed
Standard Specifications Only in Higher Thickness
Tailor-Made Specifications Possible
Recommended Applications Interiors & Exteriors
Delivery 2 to 3 weeks
Quarry Deposit Layered
Quarry Excavation Hand Split Layers
Chisel Splitting Possible
Gang Saw Sawing Not Possible
Suitability Medium to Low Traffic
Consistency Multicolour
Fragility Sound
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