Colonial cream granite is one of the exceptional types of granite that truly fits to your kitchen improvement. This granite is a nice choice with a creamy and brown tones and not too much movement in the stone – in other words not too busy. Colonial Cream can change a lot from bundle to bundle. Over millions of years ago due to water penetration deep into the stone through small cracks and fissures, causing the iron oxide and other minerals to oxidize & thus producing varying gold tones that are visible in this granite. Colonial Cream is also called Millennium Cream. Unlike other stones and types, the colonial cream granite totally promotes clean and stylish appearances. With its perfect feature, no doubt why most homeowners prefer to have this. The colonial cream granite can also withstand any elements, making it more effective and sturdy. This exceptional granite color is used not only for home but business improvement as well. With colonial cream granite, you can easily maintain an excellent feature of your bathroom or kitchen worktops. In just a single wipe, its perfect and stylish appearances can be easily viewed.